The CEO of NCIE Hayk Margarian met with the Associate Director of the Digital Patient Safety program, Dr. Lernik Essayei.
At the meeting, the parties were discussed questions regarding the introduction of innovative technologies in the field of healthcare, in particular, they tackled on the digital transformation of the healthcare system, and to the possible aspects of cooperation.
(Digital Health Research Center), as well as the development of an educational program within the framework of cooperation with universities in Armenia in order to replenish the healthcare sector with highly qualified specialists.
In his speech, Lernik Essayei, in particular, noted: The program provides for the creation of a research and testing center for new medical equipment (Digital Health Research Center), as well as the development of an educational program within the framework of cooperation with universities in Armenia in order to replenish the healthcare sector with highly qualified specialists.
It’s important to note that within the framework of cooperation between Digital Patient Safety and the Center, the «Doctor 1» project of ATMT was recognized as the winner according to the results of the «Neruzh 3.0» diaspora technology startups program.
The head of the startup project «Doctor 1» is our compatriot Artak Abrahamyan. The project involves the production of digitized medical diagnostic devices, the development of a software application and the creation of telemedicine services. As a result, medical care will «enter» to every family.
Digital Health in Armenia
The multi-stage development of digital health in Armenia began in the early 2000s. With the support of international organizations, the Ministry of Health of Armenia first launched the electronic medical records system, the aim of which was to collect, monitor, and manage data on inpatient services provided under the state order.
In December 2008, a group of doctors and ICT specialists established the Armenian Association of Telemedicine (AATM). Later, AATM expanded its scope of activities and was renamed the Armenian Digital Health Association (AADH).
In 2009-2010, the Armenian government developed a concept for the implementation of an integrated electronic information system. This concept was approved in 2012-2013, the implementation of which was assigned to the government agency called the Electronic Governance Infrastructure Implementation Agency (EKENG)
In 2015-2016, the ARMED system was developed, focused on the development of an e-health system for the needs of the population of Armenia. Today, ARMED operates in the State Health Agency (SHA), in about 500 health and 6 insurance companies. The main functions of the ARMED include registration and accounting of state orders for disease cases.
Այսօր ԱՐՄԵԴ-ըգործում է ՀՀԱՆ պետական առողջապահական գործակալությունում (ՊԱԳ), շուրջ՝ 500 առողջապահական և 6 ապահովագրական ընկերություններում։ ARMED-ի հիմնական գործառույթներում ներառվում են հիվանդանոցային դեպքերի պետական պատվերի գրանցումը և հաշվառումը:
«Neruzh» is a governmental program. The aim of the program is to promote professional repatriation, which will contribute to the economic progress of Armenia and the development of the startup ecosystem.
Every year, more than 30 startups from around the world are invited to Armenia to participate in a 5-day event, learn about the advantages of doing business in Armenia, receive exclusive individual mentoring and claim up to USD 30.000 grant in order to expand their business initiatives.