The National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship provides comprehensive information and consultation for businesses who want to settle in Armenia or transfer their operations from overseas. Being in the same building as the State Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of RA, business owners and entrepreneurs can receive a free consultation and support and learn more about state support measures, taxation, accelerator programs, and banking operations while waiting for their turn to apply for registration. For additional services such as marketing and promotional services, audit and accounting, and extensive consultation, NCIE will guide you to credible and trustworthy business entities.

An array of business matching and networking activities are done throughout the year to help businesses grow their potential, be more effective, and gain new business contacts.

Through collaborations with the private sector, governmental agencies, and industry partners, NCIE offers centralized information on government assistance schemes and provides business solutions and industry insights to interested entrepreneurs and business owners.

All these measures contribute to:

We believe that SME solutions must be simple, localized, and sustainable

✓ Creating favorable conditions for simplification of doing business.Armenia.

✓ Providing real instruments of state support for the business.

✓ Creating working mechanisms for interaction between the business and the Government.

✓ Introducing Armenian businesses to new markets.

Как открыть бизнес в Армении

Просим обратить внимание, что здесь представлена общая информация, каждый отдельный кейс будет направлен сотрудникам из национальных структур ENTERPRISE ARMENIA и NCIE для его ведения. Все услуги бесплатные...

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