General Information
The Scientific and Technical Library is the legal successor of the Republican Scientific and Technical Library, founded in 1963. It has been operating in the administrative structure of the NCIE of Ministry Economy of the RA since 2009. The activities of the branches of the Center are aimed to decentralize and expand the services in the regions provided by the Center, contributing to the balanced development of the region’s scientific-educational and cultural environment and expanding information coverage.
- Համապատասխան գրականության ձեռք բերման միջոցով ավանդական գրադարանային-տեղեկատվական ծառայությունների մատուցում, գրականության նպատակային ցուցահանդեսների կազմակերպում, կադրերի վերապատրաստում,
- The library has been headed by a Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leon Gharibyan, from 2004 up to the present.
- The library’s mission is to provide free and open access to a broad range of materials to people of all ages and backgrounds, collect technical and patent resources and technical information, and provide library services.
- Website launching and ensuring access to library services through social networks and publicity, providing relevant international databases.
- The library has been headed by a Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leon Gharibyan, from 2004 up to the present.
- The library’s mission is to provide free and open access to a broad range of materials to people of all ages and backgrounds, collect technical and patent resources and technical information, and provide library services.
- NCIE’s library offers a welcoming, comfortable, and state-of-the-art learning environment and is open everyday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.